Fabulous porcelain jewelries- Meseszép porcelán ékszerek

A porcelán, mint anyag nagyon finom megjelenést kölcsönöz a tárgyaknak.
 Az ékszereknél ez a tulajdonság nem hátrány. Így ebből egyenesen következik  eme kettő ötvözése. S a végeredmény meseszép.
Porcelain like material give very fine look for things.
This quality is not a disadvantage in the jewel case. So this two is good alloy.
The end result is fabulous.
Porcelain and moss ring.
Porcelain and moss ring
Delphine Nardin | Bijoux | Collier Biscuit, biscuit de porcelaine, et laiton plaqué or, 2009
Delphine Nardin

Turquoise and white ceramic porcelain bracelet bangle with white abstract flower decoration - Cottesloe , ceramic  porcelain jewelry
Lily of the Valley earrings by Ruth Tomlinson (thank you @Kris Jarchowán Örn Kjartansson Thompson)
Ruth Tomlinson

Antique Russian  Porcelain Jewelry Set. Gold hand painted porcelain earrings and brooch. Flower jewelry set
BULBS 1  – Porcelain jewelry by Anna Kiryakova http://annakiryakova.de/en/category/kollektion/bulbs/
Anna Kiryakova
(via Porcelain rock coral bangles | Katherine Wheeler)
Katherine Wheeler

Necklace | Evert Nijland.  Gold and porcelain
Evert Nijland


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