Wonderful antique rings- Csodálatos antik gyűrűk

Ma mindenki a modern vonalat akarja követni. A kütyük korában a mult dolgai feledésbe merülnek.
Azonban vétek teljesen félretolni azokat a csodás ékszereket, melyeket régen fabrikáltak. Talán ma már ilyeneket nem is tudnánk készíteni. Már csak ezért is értékesek az esztétikai vonásaik mellett.
Az új jelszó: régi az új!
New everybody want to follow modern trends. Nowadays antique subjects are in the shadows. The big mistake is, when we push aside old jewelries. Maybe we could not create such things. Therefore these are valuable.
New password: old is new!

FEDERICA RETTORE Antique Cut Green Prasiolite Ring ($10,900) ❤ liked on Polyvore:
antique cut green prasiolite ring
1940's Antique Filigree Diamond Engagement Ring:
antique filigree diamond ring
Aquamarine & Opal Poison Locket Sterling Silver by goldandgemsllc:
aquamarine and opal ring
This magnificent Art Deco ring features a stunning natural 1.36 carat antique cushion cut diamond center stone surrounded by a halo of lab created ruby accents and a second halo of natural diamonds. The ring features a wonderful low profile design and the craftsmanship that went into it nearly 100 years ago is superb.:
Art deco ring
Antique Engagement Ring:
antique engagement ring
Antique green tourmaline filigree ring, circa 1880, antique jewelry, Victorian, white gold, heirloom, cocktail ring, dinner ring:
antique green tourmaline felegree ring
1570: A rare 16th century gold sundial and compass ring, possibly German, The hinged oval bezel designed as a seal and engraved with a coat of arms, opening to reveal a sundial and compass, on a plain gold hoop, dimensions of bezel 1.8x2.0cm:
16 th century gold sundial and compass ring


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