Honey sweet- Mézédes

A méz az egy ritkaédes étel. Ezzel nem mondok újat. Azonban ha ékszerrel kapcsolatba hozom a témát, akkor már kapargatják páran a homlokukat, hogy hogy is van ez. Na de semmi aggodalom, nagyon is lehetséges. Megédesíthetjük különböző testrészeinket ilyen módon is. Csak semmi kóstolás!
Ez az Édesem kifejezés új formája!
Honey is very sweet food. This is not new thing, but we mention jewelry, than get other topic.
But no worries! It is possible. So we can sweeten some part of the body.
Nix tasting!

Bee, honeycomb and honey jewel by Ilgiz Fazulzianov; the bee and honey symbolise productive industry.
Ilgiz Fazulzianov
Honey Bee Earrings Summer Jewelry Gold Brass
Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at https://www.etsy.com/listing/219182122/honeycomb-bracelet-beehive-bronze-and
Master Exclusive Jewellery - Collection - World of insects
Master Exclusive Jewellery
The geometric form of honeycombs and the viscosity of honey combine to form this hollow constructed ring. Golden drops of glass mimic rich, smooth honey as it surrounds the finger and oozes from each cell. by Kristin Baird
Kristin Baird
ring by Farah Khan sports a gorgeous yellow topaz, with two beeshaped gold embellishments, encrusted with yellow-coloured diamonds perched at the edges...
Farah Khan
Alexander McQueen Jewellery

Master Exclusive Jewellery - Collection - World of insects
Master Exclusive Jewellery


Gorgeous Jewelry!

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