Freezing halloween jewelries-Dermesztő halloween ékszerek

Mostanában minden a sárga tökökrtől és a zombikról szól. Így egy bejegyzéssel adózok az aktuális őrületnek. Természetesen az ékszerek világában is hagyott lenyomatot ez a hullám.
Pumpkins and zombies have everywhere nowadays. So and I create one post about current madness. Naturally we can to find traces in the jewelry world too.

These are soooo beautiful - have never seen anything like it. Might not be into the bats... Unless its in a batman context =p:
Buy My Crap
Neon Orange Pumpkin Ring Halloween Jewelry Day Glo by ShySiren, $24.00:
Shy Siren
Bat Bangle  Silver Bat Bracelet Animal Bracelet by FrostedWillow, $17.95:
Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at
Funky Earrings --Halloween Jewelry Skeleton Gothic Lolita Cameo by LithiasCreations, $15.00:
Lithias Creations
skeleton bracelet don't know if I'd wear it, but it's definitely cool and unique!:
sceleton bracelet


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